Alicia is gracing the March 2018 Cover of Madame Figaro! We added a few high quality photos from the photoshoot photographed by Damon Baker and the high quality magazine cover to our Gallery, we’ll add digital scans as soon as possible in the meantime check out the photos! She looks wonderful. Take a look!

Photoshoots > Pictorials & Portraits > 2018 D Baker
Magazine > 2018 > MARCH 2018 – Madame Figaro

Alicia is featured on the April 2018 Cover of Elle UK. She was photographed by Norman Jean Roy. We added the first 2 photos and the magazine cover to our Gallery! As soon as more photos we’ll be released we’ll add them but in the meantime enjoy and read a few quotes from the interview:
I’ve been very fortunate that I haven’t had any sexual harassment on set. But I’ve been in situations where people in power have put me on the spot, or made me feel stupid and young when I wasn’t able to express myself publicly.
Once, an older female co-star actually said on my behalf, “That’s not OK.” I can now speak up and say that is not fine, and I’ve been given the fortunate position now of not being, in the same way, afraid of losing my job, which was deep down the reason you don’t want to be trouble. You don’t want to be difficult…
When I met my husband three and a half years ago, he had mentioned he’d been to Lisbon and loved it, and I knew friends who were moving out there. And that was a time when I was just starting to feel really at home in London.For three months before filming, I started every morning with an hour’s workout. Then there was a lot of eating going on; I had to have five meals a day,’ she said, of the preparation she had to undergo. ‘I wanted Lara to be strong. I’m very petite myself, and I wanted the audience to find the action sequences plausible – to believe that she could do it, that she could lift herself up with her own bodyweight. It’s tough being a young girl at this time, you know? I’m now working in an industry which lives on creating an image, a fantasy and I feel like I need to show younger women that is what it is.
You shouldn’t be too good, or do something different… In a way it’s great to grow up with that, as it makes you very grounded, but also a bit scared of standing out and making a big leap away from the rest of the group.
The full interview appears in the April issue of ELLE UK, on sale 7 March.

Photoshoots > Pictorials & Portraits 2018 N J Roy
Magazine Scans > 2018 > Portraits APRIL 2018 – Elle UK

Alicia is featured on the March 2018 Cover of American Way Magazine! We previously added a few photos from the photoshoot taken by Greg Williams but we replaced them with better versions and also added a few gorgoeus outtakes! Check them out! You can also read the interview she gave the magazine below:
This month the Academy Award-winning Swedish actress will make the leap to action star as Lara Croft, the heroine in the Tomb Raider reboot, based on the wildly popular video game series. Vikander is also intensely private, with a knack for dodging even the most innocuous questions. Asked about the last time she broke a rule, for instance, she laughs at a memory, then shakes her head: “No, I don’t want to say that to you.” Continue Reading

Photoshoots > Pictorials & Portraits 2018 G Williams
Press Library > 2018 > Alicia Vikander is a Diamond in the Rough

Alicia looking absolutely flawless attended the Tomb Raider Madrid Photocall at the Santo Mauro Hotel this morning on February 28, 2018 in Madrid, Spain. We added 250+ high & medium quality photos to the Gallery. Check them all out! We’ll also continue working on the Gallery in the background so keep an eye on it (;

Watch Interview
Appearances > 2018 > FEBRUARY 28TH – Tomb Raider Madrid Photocall

Alicia was spotted getting lunch with Michael Fassbender today on February 27, 2018 in Madrid, Spain. Alicia is in town to promote Tomb Raider, she’ll make an appearance on El Hormiguero and she’ll also attend the Tomb Raider Madrid Premiere so stay tuned! We added 25 high quality photos to the Gallery. Take a look!

Candids > 2018 > FEBRUARY 27TH – Heading to lunch in Madrid, Spain

Alicia was photographed by Carter Smith for the Tomb Raider promotional tour! We added some of the photos from the photoshoot to the Gallery but stay tuned cause a lot of more outtakes will be added soon!

Photoshoots > Pictorials & Portraits 2018 C Smith